
We endeavour to deliver all products as fast as possible. The majority of products are made to order and this means they are not 'ready made'.

As you may appreciate, our shading solutions are large and heavy items, with many being completely bespoke, so specialised handling and delivery is generally required from our carriers.

We'll notify you of expected delivery dates at the earliest opportunity. While we won't make commitments we can't uphold, rest assured that we'll keep you updated on the status of your delivery.


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Delivery Requirements

Whilst every effort will be made to make a requested site delivery, the following requirements must be met:

Full address, postcode, contact name, mobile or land line phone number must be given

Appropriate assistance required for unloading and to sign, print and date the proof of delivery.
There needs to be access for a large lorry, the size of a double-decker bus. Some roads are not large vehicle friendly. Please make us aware of any possible road or vehicle restrictions.

Access must include the approach roads in the local area, account for low bridges, and consider width and weight restrictions.

It is the customer's responsibility to ensure compliance with these conditions.

If any of these potential hazards are encountered during delivery, the process will be aborted.

In the event that the driver deems the access unsuitable or identifies a risk of damage to the vehicle, the delivery will be aborted.

If, upon checking the delivery postcode, it is found to be unsuitable for the proposed delivery vehicle before your product is delivered, you will be contacted to arrange an alternative delivery address. In some cases, arrangements may be made for delivery via a third-party carrier in a smaller vehicle, incurring an additional charge, the details of which will be confirmed from one of our team.

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